Sunday, October 28

Poetics of Space

I am reading Poetics of space by Gaston Bachelard. I read only first chapter so far, but It is amazing book. I love it so much. He talks about house, intimacy of a house and its memory and daydream. In one part he wrote about smell. "its unique smell, which is the signature of intimacy."
I had his writing in my head all day. I was daydreaming of past and childhood memories. I made coffee and it started rain out side. so I went out just look at my orchid. (They are like my children now I like to look at them and see if they are drinking water) and then I came back in to my house. There was the odor I smelt before in my kitchen. I thought very hard where I smelt this before and figure out that it was inside of my first Enlgish school that I used to go after school in next station from my house. The school had real American teacher not Japanese person who spoke English and it was my first direct encounter to American people.
Now I live in America and I am making smell that I thought of America when I was child. I thought it was interesting.

Saturday, October 20

Japanese night

ミクシィのLet's Go Miamiのオフ会に先々週いってきました。久しぶりに日本語で話して楽しかった。

I changed my blog into Japanese setting, so my mom can understand. I thin the comment section is still in Enlgish, so it should be no problem.

Wednesday, October 17


I am making couple small works for MMAS. It's oil on paper.